About Me

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Born and raised in the Tri-City area of Albany, NY, an athletic, talented young writer blossomed to become the young women you see today. Writing has always been a passion of mine but dance and running have always been my first loves. I am currently a freshman in college on a Track Scholarship and perusing my career to become a social worker. I'm very humble and down to earth. I'm just Me!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

It was nice to Meet you!

We're it all began
This wasn't suppose to happen...
You and I
Whatever this was...It never should have happened.
What started off as,"It was nice you meet you...(hand shake)" to,
"I never want to speak to you again"
My love for him was and is outstanding.
At one point he told me, someone as stupid as an ex would dumb enough to let a girl like me go.
Months later, it was all game.
Things that never made since to me, started to come out.
Lies told started to unfold right infront of my very eyes.
That night we made love,
It was only I making love to him thinking of only him and he thinking of all the others.
He told me he loved me.
That was a joke.
You see,
Love, is something I don't take being toyed around with kindly.
The hurt and pain I have gone through.
We started dating later January of 2010
February 5, 2010 you had a bitch in your hotel room.
February 16 we had a big blow out...that night after you had a bitch in your home.
I could go on for days!
You told me you changed, but still haven't let go of your past,
Your ex, the women, anything...
Who am I to judge.
I feel in love with a man who didn't love me.
The hardest thing to come to grips with is realizing in life,
its hard to let love go or see it walk away...
Always wondering what if.
The hurt is amazing but once its overcome you will be okay.
Ive hurt for the finial time...
Love never dies a natural death.
It dies because we dont know how to replenish its source.
It dies of blindness,errors and betrayals.
It dies of illness and wounds.
Its dies or weariness, withering, and by the tarnishing.
Now I sit here with my tarnished heart mending it on my own and for the last time.
You have lied, and fooled me.
You never gave anything up.
But now I give up on you!
The realization is this...
I have said you will realize what you had when its gone, but in all honestly you wont...
And that is what hurts the most...
"It was nice to meet you...(hand shake)"

Sunday, May 9, 2010


They are the untold stories of our lives.
Suppressed memories, forbidden thoughts, or just our own little reality shows.
They are the words unspoken of our untold selves.

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality and then there are those who turn one into the other.

I once heard,
"Dreams are the illustrations of the book your soul is writing about you"
That's deep.
Something I've been wondering...
Why is it that we dream?
Is it because we are to scared to speak, deal, or even realize things and moments in our lives?
Fears of the truth?
What is it?

People do think that if they avoid the truth, it might change to something better before they have to hear or deal with it.

That's entirely wrong if you ask me.
If you don't speak, your suppressing the issue.
Then it becomes worse.
You begin to let it eat away at you!
I know from experience.
I'm one who knows you shouldn't let your thoughts become your reality.
Dreams are met to be a place of peace.
Yours and mines utopia.
Our world of no worries, peace, love, and seduction.

Knowing is the most profound kind of love, giving someone the gift of knowledge about yourself.

Thats what I do when I blog.
Blogging to me is My Dream!
My words are perfect.
Each correctly thought out to perfection .
Edgar Allan Poe once wrote:
"All that we see or have seen is but a dream within a dream."
I finally understand what he is saying.
Pondering life and our existence.
Like awakening to another life, the same person from a dream.
Maybe he trying to say that when we pass out from one life and we go into another, like resurrection.
Traveling from one dream to another.
With no thought in mind but only our dreams.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Happiness is something that everyone strives for.
You can't find happiness in others but only from within yourself.
What most people don't realize is that,
Happiness is never stopping to think if you are happy.
You already know!
Most people would rather be certain they're miserable rather than, risk being happy.
I for one feel like I used to be someone like that.
I find myself to this day struggling with this.
I'm a strong believe in that
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
I do this NON STOP!
If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.
Happiness is excitement that has found a settling down place.
But there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around.
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy.
If there is something I can leave you with is my one thought about happiness,
"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad."
Which are you?