It feels like everyday it gets worse
It feels like I'm standing in the middle of a room with million's of people and its quite and I'm standing there screaming at the top of my lungs,"Please save me," or "listen to what the hell I have to say damn it."
It's like a fucking re-run of a bad sitcom that has not been canceled yet.
It feels like everyday it gets worse
I find myself waking up every morning realizing that I have once again, cried myself to sleep over something so little, it shouldn't even be on my mind let alone, in my thoughts.
Something so little that it takes the mind a while to consciously be aware of this situation.
It feels like everyday it gets worse
I find myself in repetition.
Word after word.
Tear after tear.
Smile after smile.
It feels like everyday it gets worse
I find myself wondering why.
Why I write
Why I run
Why I cry
Why I love &
Why I hate
It feels like everyday it gets worse
It feels like everyday it gets worse
It feels like everyday it gets fucking worse
About Me

- Roo Bear
- Born and raised in the Tri-City area of Albany, NY, an athletic, talented young writer blossomed to become the young women you see today. Writing has always been a passion of mine but dance and running have always been my first loves. I am currently a freshman in college on a Track Scholarship and perusing my career to become a social worker. I'm very humble and down to earth. I'm just Me!
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